Inilah tag pertama saya dapat sejak ada blog. Selalu je tengok kawan-kawan lain duk buat macam-macam jenis tag ni, tapi masa tu saya tak kena tagged pun :P
Firstly, i want to say thanks to dearest Melatidaisy for request me to fullfil this assigment :) ok, let me start..
3 names in your message inbox
1-abg (my 'cinta hati' :P)
2-my papa
3-Solehah (my bestfriend at mansurah,egypt)
your main ringtone
Muhammad nabiena by Hamada but actually it was random ringtone
what you did at 12 last night
sleeping beauty :)
who was the last person you went with? where?
Deen Farhan (my beloved young brother), we went to customer's home..i drove mama's kancil
the colour of t-shirt you are wearing now
soft yellow
the last thing you did
read book 'karya nan indah by Faisal Tehrani'
3 of your everyday favorite items
nothing specification, its all about my pinky and browny stuffs
the colour of your bedroom
more than two colours..haha..colourfull :P
how much money in your wallet now?
uhh, hard to say! haha (its not mean 'a lots of money ok!')
how's life?
great but got a bit trouble minded
your favorite song
so many and the recent one is 'You came to me by Sami Yusuf'
what will you do next weekend?
not sure
when was the last time you see your mom?
just now
where is she now
at her office
when was the last time you talk to your parents?
just now
who is the last person talked to you last night?
the last surprise you got
last year on my graduation
last thing you borrowed from your friend
nothing i guess..
who is your bf/gf/husband/wife?
abg (my chenta hati)
what do you feel right now
mixed feel heart
wanna share with who?
..... ?
who know your secret?
the greatest fia
they keep your secret?
yes, brilliant action
are you angry with someone?
what do you order at McD?
never make order at McD :p
the last time you feel so sad?
uhh..'feel so sad'..can't remember properly when aaa??
mahu tag?
Kak Nadiah
Lokman Hakim
this time, i'll ignore whose going to ask me why this name was choosen and why and why and why.ups to me..next tagged i'll chose others friend name..so, wait ok ;)
alamak..bertambah hutang tag akk! awat la malas sgt nak buat tag ni..huhu. nnt akk pulak tag deena..eheh..
adui..kak...nanti2 ajew la..hehe
Baiklah nama saya tak naik...:):)
Takut bila tgk TAG...liat nak jawab
to LoKMaNHaKiMKaMaRuDiN,
hehehe...sowiee...bg assigment lak kat awk...hee
to Nadiah Sidek,
aaa..ngeh3x..towieee kak...ehehe...sesi balas dendam..actualy sy pon mln nk wat tag kak.. :p
padahal br fes time dpt tag..hampeh punye deena..haha
to iqbalsyarie,
kan aku dah kata!! ustat2 mana la nak buat tag2 nii..hahaha...towie ust iqbal..ignore je la kalo xnak buat..huhh :P
to Abd Razak,
ahaha..lupa lak buh nama..hehe...next time pasti kena..sik boleh xbuat..kamek marah nti (broken swak :P)
aduih banyaknya soklan nak kena jawab ni...
to cemomoi,
ahahaha..sy x tambah pon soklan tuu..hat tu la yg kena bagi..sy pon penin gak nengok fes2 tu..adoi.banyaklaa..hentam je lee
hish..akak ni...nape panggil saya ustat!tak payah la...err...pasal tag tu...nanti2 la kalau akak dah lupa,baru saya buat~heheheheheheeh
tag cmni rupanya...huh..
ingat ka smart tag kat highway tu..
to iqbalsyarie,
hehehe..nak start panggil ust iqbal lah..ust2 mmg xlayan tag2 ni... :P
to ismihairil,
da lama awk pencen dr drop komen kt blog sy ye..hehe..mmm ye la tuh..smart tag la juge..hahaha
salam kak intan ^_^
sori lame x singgah drop komen kat sini.. sejak practical ni, hjg minggu sy hbskan masa duk rehat je untuk kepenatan 5 hari bekerja..hehe..
mm, sy dh jenguk hari tu blog akak, tp x sign in, jd x drop komen pn.. lgpn nk cepat.. dtg singgah jap je.. dh amek tag ni ms tu lg, tp baru jap tadi sy jawab n publish kat blog.. dh post kt blog br sy dtg btau ni. hehe. tp tula, tgk2 x semua trus wat ek. sy pun jujurnye liat gak bab jwb2 tag ni..hehe..tp kak intan nye pasal, sy wat gak ;)
thanx akak, sbb senaraikan juga nama saya dlm senarai pendek penerima tag ni =)
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